Il blog di Iperbimbo

Bonus mamme disoccupate 2023

Unemployed mothers bonus 2023

What is the bonus for unemployed mothers The unemployed mothers bonus is a measure p...

Unemployed mothers bonus 2023

What is the bonus for unemployed mothers The unemployed mothers bonus is a measure p...

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Importi assegno unico universale

Single universal cheque: let's find out what's new

Extricate yourself in the maze of "bureaucratese" is not easy for a normal citizen. We ...

Single universal cheque: let's find out what's new

Extricate yourself in the maze of "bureaucratese" is not easy for a normal citizen. We ...

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asili nido privati rette in aumento

This year the nest costs more

The pandemic has affected schools of every grade, throughout Italy. Among the consequen...

This year the nest costs more

The pandemic has affected schools of every grade, throughout Italy. Among the consequen...

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Le nuove regole per l'isee

The new rules for the ISEE model

The Isee model is the indicator of the economic situation necessary to request subsidie...

The new rules for the ISEE model

The Isee model is the indicator of the economic situation necessary to request subsidie...

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Aggressività. Imparare a riconoscerla per intervenire.

Aggression. Learn to recognize it to intervene.

How it manifests itself, when it is "healthy" and when it should arouse the attention o...

Aggression. Learn to recognize it to intervene.

How it manifests itself, when it is "healthy" and when it should arouse the attention o...

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Cari, insostituibili nonni

Dear, irreplaceable grandparents

The population ages. The statistics say it, the facts prove it. At the same time, howev...

Dear, irreplaceable grandparents

The population ages. The statistics say it, the facts prove it. At the same time, howev...

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