The new rules for the ISEE model

Le nuove regole per l'isee

The isee model: what it is

ISEE stands for Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator. The isee model is a tool used to evaluate and compare the economic situation of Italian families. It takes into account income, assets (movable and real estate), ownership of vehicles and characteristics of the family nucleus (by number and type). It is usually calculated on the assets and income situation of the previous 2 years. To request the ISEE it is necessary to present the Single Substitute Declaration or DSU. There are different types of ISEE depending on the areas of application: ordinary ISEE, for example to apply for bonuses ; ISEE social health , to request health services for non self-sufficient people; ISEE University, for fees and scholarships; ISEE for minors, which allows you to request benefits for minor children whose parents are neither married nor cohabiting, including the baby bonus ; Current ISEE, useful in the face of recent significant changes.

Isee calculation documents

Anyone interested in obtaining it must complete the Single Substitute Declaration (DSU), to be presented to the entity that directly distributes the social benefit, to their municipality or to the CAF , the tax assistance centre. For some time it has also been possible to complete it directly online through the INPS website , where you can find the pre-compiled ISEE declaration model, which can be customized if necessary. Also on the INPS website, in the ISEE Riforma section, there is a simulation program that allows you to acquire a rough idea of ​​the amount to which your family's ISEE could amount in just a few steps. A handy tool, which allows you to have a measure, at least indicative, of the benefit that the family could derive by presenting their ISEE.

Isee: the news of 2021

But the novelty of 2021 is the fact that the ISEE will be renewed on January 31st of each year. The document issued in 2020, which expired on December 31 of the same year, should therefore have been renewed by the end of January to ensure continuity of benefits. Once obtained, the ISEE 2021 is valid until the end of the year . If, on the other hand, it is the first time that it is requested, it is irrelevant whether it is requested in January or in autumn. If, however, in the previous 2 years there have been particular changes in income, assets and family (remember that in the DSU you must always refer to the situation of the 2 years that have just passed), then, together with the ordinary ISEE, it is now possible to apply for the ISEE current. 2020 has in fact brought unprecedented scenarios to many Italian families: the economic crisis has also resulted in millions of hours of layoffs and thousands of lost jobs . Therefore, the legislation has tried to adapt by giving the possibility of updating the ISEE value for those citizens who have seen their work or economic situation worsen. To certify this new condition it is necessary to use the current ISEE which, to date, has a duration of 6 months: it is first necessary to submit the application for the ordinary ISEE and, once the certification has been obtained, the current one can be requested by declaring, among the other things, what was received in the 12 months preceding the request. You may also be interested in the article: Single family allowance: the law approved by Laura Sciolla