
Alleged Fever For Your Little One? Thermometers!

The thermometer is an instrument used to measure body temperature and its relative variations. Over time it has evolved into various versions, models, alloys used, with a notable improvement in precision, practicality and speed: if at one time it took at least an hour to obtain the measurement, today a few seconds are enough.

The thermometer that until a few years ago was the most used is the one at mercury , very accurate but no longer on the market today. Since 2009 it has been banned as per European legislation because mercury is a highly toxic and harmful substance both by direct contact and by inhalation: in case of breakage of the thermometer, which was made of glass, the mercury contained in it was divided into many small balls very difficult to collect without somehow coming into contact with it.

The models in use today

The questions

So when it comes to baby thermometer and to answer the most frequently asked questions about thermometers and give advice for mothers, the digital one and the infrared one are the most recommended for practicality, versatility of use, precision, safety and speed of temperature detection.

The models in use today

– the reactive strip thermometer: a kind of liquid crystal card to be placed on the forehead that changes color depending on the temperature; it is non-toxic, requires no batteries, is unbreakable, but is inaccurate; – the galinstane thermometer (alloy of gallium, indium and tin), very precise but a little slow in reading (about 5 minutes), which works exactly like the mercury one, underarm, without risk of toxicity, but breakable; - the digital electronic thermometer, certainly the most used. It is made of plastic and has a liquid crystal display, on which the temperature appears in a few seconds, warning through an intermittent sound signal. It works through electronic heat sensors with batteries.
It can be used under the arm, orally or rectally, depending on whether or not it has a flexible probe. It is the baby thermometer par excellence, both for its speed (20/30 seconds) and for the various colors available which make it more captivating and playful. – the infrared thermometer: it can be auricular or forehead, at a distance or by contact; the auricular one is inserted in the ear, while the frontal one can be by contact or at a distance. In this second case it works by means of an extremely rapid (very few seconds) and precise optical pointer of light beams; not necessarily having to come into contact with the body, makes these thermometers useful for measuring the temperature of children or babies even while they are sleeping. Warning: incorrect interpretation of the instructions can lead to a temperature measurement error margin of as much as 1 degree. The questions Therefore, when it comes to thermometers for children and to answer the most frequently asked questions about thermometers and give advice for mothers, the digital and the infrared ones are the most recommended for practicality, versatility of use, precision, safety and speed of temperature detection .
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