Group 0-1 (0-18kg)

Car seats 0-18Kg

The 0 – 18 kg car seats are approved car seats from birth up to about 4 years of age, one meter in height. When we use them from birth, we will use the car seat reducer that is already present inside in order to make the seat more enveloping and performing for the baby's first months.

How are car seats fitted?

From birth to about one year of age, they can be mounted backwards which is the safest position as the child is too small and the neck muscles are not yet trained to face the road. From this year onwards, we will be able to mount the car seat in a forward-facing position.

THE   group 0-1 car seats   they can be car seats belts and   isofix car seats   according to the type of assembly in the machine. As for the seats that are fitted with belts, these use the car's belts which are passed through certain pre-established steps which are usually indicated in blue when we mount them rearward facing and in red when we mount them facing the road.

The isofix car seats, on the other hand, do not use the car belts to be fitted, but the isofix system which is composed of a rigid base in which we find two clamps that are fixed to the car frame and a column that will rest perpendicularly on the floor.

Are isofix car seats safer?

It is said that the isofix is ​​safer than fitting belts, because when we fit a car seat with belts we ourselves must be careful to tighten the belts well and pass them in the correct way. With the isofix system, since assembly is much simpler, the margin of human error is reduced so that we can assemble the seat incorrectly.

However, if we mount both versions well, the security remains the same.

In the category of isofix seats, a new regulation called I-size has been out for a few years, which no longer looks at the weight, but divides the seats according to the height of the child, which is the most important thing. According to this regulation, side impacts are also tested and it becomes mandatory to remain facing backwards up to 15 months and 76 cm in height. After this stage has been reached, we could decide to mount the seat facing the road, or continue up to 105 cm rearward facing.

THE   i-size car seats   they are therefore the safest and most up-to-date, and in some versions there will also be the possibility of having the structure rotate 360° in order to simplify assembly in the car even more.

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