Nasal aspirators

Nasal Aspirators For Babies: Various Models

Nasal aspirators

With the first colds, and not only that, colds often arrive, one of the most common ailments in children. While it may not be so much of a problem for an adult, it can become a problem for young children because they are unable to blow their noses on their own. In addition, the ears and nose are connected by a small tube, the Eustachian tube, which works less in children because it is less inclined. This is how a simple cold can turn into ear disease, sinusitis or respiratory tract disease.

Nasal secretions, albeit in smaller quantities, are always present, even when you are not cold.

To prevent the proliferation of germs and bacteria it is important to carry out daily washing. A few drops of physiological solution in the nostrils will be enough and the mucus will be expelled naturally, especially through sneezing.

If, on the other hand, we are talking about a cold, simple nasal washing is not enough, but we must try to eliminate the mucus with the aid of a nasal aspirator. This device has been designed to easily remove nasal secretions and to obtain an excellent newborn nasal cleaning.

    Operation and models of nasal aspirators

    Blowing a newborn's nose isn't always easy, which is why the nasal aspirator comes in handy. It is a useful tool for suctioning mucus in children and is equipped with a soft spout to be inserted into the nostrils, a tank where the mucus will be aspirated, a flexible tube and a mouthpiece. What distinguishes the various models is the way of vacuuming. On the market, the models of nasal aspirators are divided into two broad categories. The choice must be made according to your needs and those of the child. Also seek advice from the pediatrician who knows the characteristics of your child well.

    Let's see in detail the various models.

    • Mouth nasal aspirator : with this aspirator it is the parent himself who must physically suck the mucus from the child's nose. There are removable and washable filters, or disposable, which ensure absolute hygiene for those who vacuum. It has the advantage of having low costs and being compact, therefore easily transportable.
    • Electric nasal aspirator : works when connected to the socket. Very convenient because you just need to press a switch to always have constant suction. In any case, the power can be adjusted according to the age of the child. Being an electrical appliance, the noise it produces may not be appreciated by some children.

    Tips for clearing mucus

    • During severe colds always keep the physiology and the nasal aspirator comfortable. Children don't particularly like nasal cleansing, so if you have everything you need close at hand, you can do it quickly and discreetly.
    • The washings and the aspiration of the mucus should be done two or more times a day, as long as there is a need. In particular, do it before feeds or meals, and before putting him to sleep.
    • Put the vial or the syringe with the physiological a few minutes under the jet of hot water. Physiological at room temperature is cold and much more annoying for the child. If heated, however, your child will notice less of its introduction.
    • Location is also important. Lay your baby out on the changing table and tilt his head slightly to one side. Gently but firmly spray the upper nostril (if he is lying on the right side it is the left nostril and vice versa) and you will see the saline and mucus come out of the opposite nostril. Wash on the other side as well.
    • If the baby has a cold, washing may not be enough, so use a nasal aspirator.
    • This operation can also be carried out by holding the child in one's arms, if it can give him more peace of mind.
    • Insert the nozzle into one of the two nostrils and inhale gently. Do the same with the other nostril.
    • Thoroughly disinfect the aspirator after use to eliminate all traces of viruses and bacteria.
    • A recommendation is obligatory: even if a child has a cold, of any age, it is important that he spends some time outdoors. Surely some clean air will do him good!
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