
Everyone in Kindergarten!

After the summer, school finally begins, as most mothers would say. In this period the rush to buy everything the child needs to better face the school year begins.

It's time to go to school!

The apron represents that item of clothing that will accompany children from the first day of school. Depending on the school grade, kindergarten or elementary school, you need to choose the right apron. Siggi aprons are designed for any need and age group, it is also possible to customize them with a print or an embroidery. The fabric is of excellent quality and the prices are among the most competitive on the market.

Kindergarten apron, which ones to choose?

The kindergarten apron is used in pre-school age for children aged three and up, it is an ideal garment for this age in fact it will effectively protect the child's clothes from food, mud or paint dirt. It is made in various fabrics but it is always recommended to choose a natural and quality material that is light, soft and will be easy to clean. For practicality, it is always better to buy more than one, so that you can wash one garment and wear another. The siggi apron is equipped with a practical pocket, it is possible to choose the velcro closure, comfortable and fast, or the one with the classic buttons. Another important purchase to make for this child's first approach to school is the kindergarten set. This set contains everything you need for school, a handy drawstring bag that contains a large bib, a placemat to place at the table at mealtimes, a napkin and a small towel. On the market there are different types of sets for all tastes and budgets.
to elementary school in style.
Primary school aprons are chosen on the basis of the institute's indications, for example some schools recommend using only one color for everyone, others differentiate the colors based on the class attended, still others differentiate boys from girls. Choosing elementary school aprons, once you know what the educational institution wants is very simple. Siggi offers customers a vast choice of materials and colors and above all there is the possibility of personalizing them with a print or decoration according to tastes and needs.

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