Pacifiers, pacifiers and pacifier holders

Various Materials And Shapes Of Pacifiers For Him

The pacifier (or pacifier or pacifier) ​​is useful from the birth of the child because it reproduces the spontaneous gesture of the newborn to suck, for this reason it has a strong calming effect on the newborn when it is agitated or nervous.
Furthermore, some recent studies attribute the reduction of cot deaths (SIDS) to the use of the pacifier.
Given these premises we want to underline the positive function of the pacifier, in contrast to the rumors that the pacifier spoils the child. We do not recommend prolonged use beyond three years.

The Various types of pacifiers

There are five types of pacifiers that differ in material and shape, let's see together what they are so that we can guide you in your choice:
• The rubber pacifier: it is a totally natural type of rubber and has an amber colour. It is a material that lasts over time, but at the same time deforms easily. In fact, sterilization in this case is not recommended to be performed with hot water.
• The silicone pacifier: it is a transparent material which maintains its characteristics unchanged even when exposed to the sun or heat. It resists over time without changing even after several sterilizations. It is non-toxic and hypoallergenic.
• The cherry pacifier: it has a rounded shape that recalls the mother's nipple. It is advisable in the first months to encourage breastfeeding and then it is advisable to change it because it could create problems for the development of the palate.
• The drop pacifier: it can be used without distinction on one side or the other, it is symmetrical in shape. The plastic mask is butterfly-shaped and there are all colors and decorations on the market.
• The anatomical pacifier: follows the anatomical shape of the mouth as the name suggests, for this reason it does not create problems for the formation of the palate. It is flattened and elliptical in shape with the tip pointing upwards.
Basically we can say that the most suitable in the first few months are the cherry and silicone ones, later on the drip and rubber ones are recommended.
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