A kiwi a day...

Un kiwi al giorno...

What is the richest fruit in vitamin C ever? Wrong! Or rather: if you have thought of a citrus fruit, it is certainly true that oranges, lemons, tangerines and grapefruit are privileged sources of the precious vitamin, but there is a fruit that contains it in even greater quantities. This is the kiwi , in which the concentration of vitamin C reaches 92.7 mg/100 g , against the 59 of oranges (it is an average, the quantity varies according to the variety), the 53 of the lemon, the 49 of mandarin and 31.2 of grapefruit.

Typical of the colder months, kiwis are also reservoirs of many other nutrients essential for the growth of children: minerals such as iron, potassium and copper are in fact present in considerable doses, not to mention lutein , which protects eyesight. They are also a natural antidote against typical seasonal ailments, a real panacea for the health of adults and children.

The only precaution, before offering them to our children, is to wait until they are one year old: allergies to kiwifruit, although very infrequent, are not completely impossible (usually they occur when other cases already exist in family). Finally, the laxative properties of the fruit are well known, which is why it is advisable not to exceed the quantities: one kiwi a day in the first few years (up to two in older children and adults) will be more than enough to stock up on all its beneficial properties, without incurring annoying tummy pains.


Kiwis help regulate cholesterol and facilitate intestinal transit , solving problems of abdominal swelling and constipation. In addition, they are rich in folic acid , which is especially essential during pregnancy. Finally, the considerable presence of potassium also proves to be very useful against water retention, while pectin instills a satisfying sense of satiety, giving balance and well-being to women who want to keep fit.