Shopping in the time of the coronavirus

La spesa ai tempi del coronavirus
Who would have ever imagined that we would experience such an event? Probably all of us happen to have the impression of living in a science fiction film, not even well done. However, we are sure and confident that we will emerge stronger and wiser than before and that we will be able to draw lessons from this experience that will make us better . However, we must get out of this moment of emergency. We at Iperbimbo found ourselves having to make some difficult choices . We have had to close some stores because they are located in shopping centers which had to close by decree. Instead we decided, and it wasn't easy, to keep some shops open . Contrary to what other companies in the sector have done, we have chosen to remain close to our customers by continuing to guarantee the supply of basic necessities. We felt it was our duty to those who follow us and expect the best from us. It probably would have been easier to leave the staff at home and shut everything down, but we didn't feel like it. Difficult choice, even from an economic point of view, as long as it is possible we will hold on. Thanks to the effort of our staff and to try to guarantee part of the service in any case where we were unable to keep the stores open, we organized a section of the site dedicated to the purchase of essentials in record time . Let us thank our staff, external collaborators and suppliers for their willingness to lend a hand in this difficult moment. Together we will make it, we are also counting on you. Let us never forget that #life is wonderful