Childbirth is experienced by men too!

Il parto lo provano anche...gli uomini!
Sometimes, while they lie in agony from a cold or invoke death from a few lines of fever, one would like to say to them: "I would like you to experience the pain of childbirth, at least you would understand that you are exaggerating!"
Apparently some brave men really tried.
We are talking about Dennis Storm and Valerio Zen, hosts of a Dutch television programme. It has been possible to reproduce the pain of childbirth using electrodes attached to their abdominals. Clearly abdominal pain is just one of the pain's hot spots.
The result? The two men certainly didn't expect to have to scream in pain, but unfortunately, when the strength of the shocks, gradually increasing, came to simulate the actual peak of contractions and cramps typical of childbirth, the two began to scream. The experiment lasted less than two hours, the two brave men gave in after a while, tearing off the electrodes.
It is clear that the conformation of men's bodies is actually different from that of women, but this is certainly a fun and scientifically curious experiment!