How to enjoy the journey serenely with children

Come vivere il viaggio serenamente con i bambini

The holidays have finally arrived! It's time to pack your bags and get in the car, and here comes the most difficult moment of the whole holiday: the car trip!

The boredom of the long car journey can really weigh on children.

So here are some tricks to turn a boring trip into an adventure to remember.

Prepare a comfortable space

Make sure the kids have a comfortable seat in the car, with pillows, blankets, and even soft toys. A comfortable environment will help them relax and feel more at ease during their journey.

Organize interactive games

Take along interactive games like 20 Questions, Car Bingo or Counting License Plates. These games engage kids and keep them busy trying to guess, look for items, or count the cars that go by.

Create a travel diary

Provide children with a travel journal or notebook where they can draw, write or paste photos during the trip. This will help keep them busy and create a tangible memory of their adventures.

Discover the surrounding nature

During the trip, try to involve the children in observing nature. You can ask them to look for animals, trees or flowers along the way. This will help them be aware of their surroundings and learn new things along the way.

Pack healthy snacks

Keep the kids from getting too hungry on the road by packing light, healthy snacks to take with you. Fresh fruit, whole grain snacks, or small sandwiches can be good options to keep hunger at bay during the commute.

Tell stories or listen to audio books

Instead of relying solely on games and electronic devices, try telling children stories or listening to audiobooks. You can make up stories or choose audiobooks that are appropriate for your children's age. This will stimulate their imagination and make the journey more engaging.

Make a playlist of your favorite songs

Create a playlist with your children's favorite songs and listen to them together during the journey. Singing songs together can be a fun way to pass the time and release tension.

Organize imaginative games

Encourage children to use their imaginations on the journey. You can suggest games like "Let's pretend we're on safari" or "Imagine you're an astronaut in space." This will help them create stories and adventures in their mind.

Keep a positive attitude

Finally, try to maintain a positive and patient attitude while traveling. Children are very attentive to their parents' emotions, so if you show calmness and happiness, they may be more inclined to follow along.

Remember that every trip is an opportunity to create special family memories, so try to enjoy the journey and find moments of joy along the way as well. Have a good trip!