Weaning: the correct timing and methods.

Lo Svezzamento : i tempi e le modalità corrette.

Around six months, the time comes to gradually introduce the first solid foods, as an alternative to milk. An important stage in the development of the child and in the relationship with mum and dad.

Within six months - the period can vary according to the pediatrician's indications - the child goes through one of the main phases of change in its development process. Gradually passes from an exclusive feeding to the mother's breast (or based on formula milk) to the introduction of the first solid or semi-liquid foods, taken in ways other than sucking. This phase is called weaning or weaning and represents a very important and delicate stage both for the baby and for the parents. In fact, the child does not always immediately accept flavors other than milk, nor does he like the use of a spoon. It often takes a few weeks before a smile appears on his hungry face in front of the food, or he learns to swallow properly. Mom and dad, however, must not be discouraged, but have a little patience and calmly indulge in the natural rhythms of their child. The weaning period is not only attributable to new feeding methods. From this moment the child's life is transformed, and from different points of view. Nutritionally and behaviorally. The little one adapts his stomach and intestines to the assimilation of solid foods, learns to sit and to chew, without forgetting to suck, since breastfeeding continues in parallel. After the sixth month, breast milk (or formula) is no longer sufficient, especially lacking in iron, high biological value proteins, zinc and essential fatty acids;

When to start weaning

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to the sixth month (if possible, of course), since it is within this period of time that the body's digestive capacities, the intestinal barrier and renal function are completed. Subsequently, breast milk should not be eliminated but supplemented, since it still provides high quantities of fatty acids useful for the baby and important immunological and enzymatic factors, as well as avoiding excessive protein intake and contributing to its psychological well-being. Between the fourth and sixth month, you will notice that the baby begins to show interest in what is happening around him even during breastfeeding. In this period you can start offering small samples of finely grated fresh fruit (apple or pear), or a few teaspoons of homogenized fruit. The child will begin to familiarize himself with new flavors and above all with the spoon. From the sixth month it is possible to introduce the first real baby food.

The first baby food: how is it prepared?

The first porridge replaces a meal of milk, preferably the midday one: to be administered with a teaspoon, a lot of patience and a generous pinch of good humour. The vegetable broth. Boil a liter of water for about an hour (20 minutes in a pressure cooker) with a potato, a carrot and a courgette, strictly without salt. Strain the broth separating it from the vegetables (which will only be added to the jelly later). Cereals (gluten free). In 180-200 grams of broth, dissolve two-three tablespoons of creamed rice or corn or tapioca (pre-cooked).

The seasoning.

Add a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and a teaspoon of well seasoned grated Parmigiano Reggiano to the porridge. Do not add salt or sugar: children do not miss them and can be introduced (in moderate doses) from the first year. Doing it earlier can generate a bad habit of too savory or sugary foods and condition the subsequent correct diet. The right amount At the beginning of weaning, offer the baby a small portion of food at a time: he probably won't be able to finish it all. As the days go by, however, you will notice that the plate will soon be empty and you will have to gradually increase the doses. Here's a good tip to make sure that your lunch satisfies his appetite: the amount will be right when a couple of tablespoons of baby food remain on the plate.

Subsequent Popes

After seven-ten days, add two-three teaspoons of boiled and finely pureed vegetables to the porridge (do not blend, to avoid colic), gradually increasing the doses. The broth and vegetables can be kept in the fridge, in separate containers, for 24 hours. After seven days, add the freeze-dried or homogenized meat: controlled, safe and highly digestible products. In that order, introduce lamb, rabbit, beef, turkey, veal and chicken. First a teaspoon, then increase the amount little by little. GUIDE FOR INTRODUCING NEW FOODS (ALWAYS ONE AT A TIME) Subsequently, introduce other vegetables (ribs, herbs, fennel, cauliflower, pumpkin), always one food at a time to highlight any allergies or intolerances. After a month, also replace the baby food in the evening with the feed. The method of preparation is identical, but the meat is replaced by fresh cheeses without preservatives (ricotta, crescenza, caprino) in quantities of 30-40 grams (for the Parmesan, a tablespoon). Gradually, the vegetables can be mashed more coarsely.
  • 6-7 MONTHS Alternate the gluten-free creams with other cereals: semolina, oats, barley and small pasta. Introduce the mashed banana with a fork, preferably between main meals.
  • 7 MONTHS Alternate the afternoon feed with whole white yogurt (without honey or sugar) and fruit smoothie. Introduce the hulled red lentils into the broth, first one then two-three teaspoons. Offer lentil soup once a week (as an alternative to meat), if the child does not have intolerances.
  • 8 MONTHS Introduce fresh meat (40-50 grams) steamed and minced; then prepare stewed meatballs with vegetables. Introduce fish (50-70 grams) twice a week as an alternative to meat: in order trout, sole and plaice, hake and cod, steamed and pureed. Introduce cooked ham (30 grams) without polyphosphates, defatted and finely chopped, as an alternative to cheese once or twice a week.
  • 9 MONTHS Introduce fresh tomatoes, if in season. Introduce citrus fruits, kiwis, peaches, always if in season, and other legumes (peas, beans, chickpeas). Introduce the soft-boiled yolk, starting with a teaspoon, up to the whole yolk.
  • 10 MONTHS A couple of times a week, replace the vegetable broth with defatted and diluted meat broth.
  • 12 MONTHS Introduce the egg white, always starting with a single teaspoon.

A gradual and well-conducted infant weaning has an important preventive role in the development of allergic and gastrointestinal diseases (including celiac disease) and obesity, as well as influencing the development of taste and smell in later ages.

From mom to mom

During your child's weaning, it may happen that you go through difficult moments: if the child categorically refuses food, you may feel discouraged to the point of tears and question yourselves as mothers and even as cooks. At the same time, at the first hint of a smile in front of the jelly you will melt like snow in the sun, and finally you will cry with joy. To get the baby to accept the idea of ​​eating, it is probable that for a few months you will swallow spoonfuls of baby food: this is normal, the baby loves to imitate his parents and your enthusiastic attitude can only encourage him. The important thing is not to force the times: if today you really refuse the food, try again tomorrow, or in a couple of days. Little by little you will learn the art of patience. It will be useful: at least in the beginning, getting him to eat the baby food could take a long time.